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Meet the Neptune Pros: Brian

Meet the Neptune Pros: Brian, trail runner

Amy Wansing |


We sat down with Brian Condon, our Cafe Manager and resident trail runner at Neptune to share training tips, gear recommendations, favorite trails and more.

Hi Brian, tell us a bit about yourself. 

Hi there! I'm Brian, the Cafe Manager here at Neptune. I'm a trail runner, I run for Salomon, and I coach runners as well. 

What’s a typical distance you run?

I’d say on average, about 10 miles. On weekends, I like to go for longer runs. 15-25 miles, then there are light days too where I run three or four miles.

Where are your favorite trails? 

brian trail running in mexico

Doing some volcanoes in Mexico this last year was really amazing. Going up Itza, which was 17,000 feet was really cool.

I’ve run the Western States in California, so running in the Sierras is really fun, and I mean my favorite place to run is right here in my own backyard in Boulder, the Indian Peaks, Rocky Mountain, all those beautiful places.

What are your proudest races?

western states endurance run

I’d say Western States is probably my proudest race, just because it’s a hundred-miler, and hundred-milers are a doozy. So, I’ve done that twice. I’ve done Trans Rockies, which is a 6-day stage race. That was really fun. I really enjoyed that. This upcoming year, I’m going to be doing the Ice Age Trail 50, which is in Wisconsin, which is where I’m from. And I’m going back to try to break the record there. It’s kind of like my hometown race, so it has a special place in my heart.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to train for longer distances?

Yeah, always start slow and start with low mileage, and then really focus on gradual progression to build mileage. That’s the best way to avoid injuries, stay consistent over a longer period of time.

What gear would you recommend for someone looking to get into trail running? 

Well, it's always helpful to trail running shoes as opposed to road running shoes. There’s a lot of rocks, roots, undulations on trails and having shoes that are built for that rocky terrain is very helpful, first and foremost.

Poles, if you ever get into the higher alpine can be very helpful for the uphills and downhills.

Headlamp for night running.

A pack so you can bring water, food, extra jacket, and for longer days out in the mountains.

Always be ready for the weather. It’s smart to have a watch or map so you know where you’re going. It’s easy to get lost. 

How do you fuel up during a run?

Skratch Labs is good. There’s powders, there are goos. The Honey Stinger Waffles are one of my favorites. Just a couple goos per hour or two is usually good, but if you’re doing something longer, you definitely want to have more sustenance to get through the day.

What's your favorite way to fuel up at the Neptune Cafe?

Probably a cortado! Come in to the cafe and say hi!